You long for a life where you have enough time, enough money, and FEEL like enough.
You have awesome ideas but you keep getting in your own way trying to DO something with them.
You’re fed up with the “just do what I did” advice that never seems to work for you.
You want to be present, feel motivated, and pursue your goals with graceful resilience.


My name is Valerie Friedlander and I help compassionate and high-achieving women create aligned life systems to uplevel their enjoyment and impact.

I'm a Life/Business Alignment Coach with over two decades of science and spiritually based personal development study and practice, including life coaching and Energy Leadership certifications, professional mediation training, and 5 years as a full-time coach and business owner.

My job is to help you tap into your inner wisdom, access creative solutions, and rock life YOUR way.

Your opportunities are as unlimited as you are. I’m here to help you shine!